About me

Hello! I'm Mustafa Eftekin, a second-year software engineering student in Istanbul. Passionate about technology, I'm focusing on AI/ML, actively progressing through the Data Science Career Path with Codecademy, and sharing my journey on GitHub.

My fascination with computers led me to pursue software engineering. I'm excited about the future of AI/ML and committed to learning and applying my skills for a positive impact.

What i'm working on

  • mobile app icon

    Data Science

    Currently working on Data Science Foundations with Codecademy.

  • AI icon

    AI Development

    Currently developing AI projects focusing on machine learning and computer vision.

My Experiences

  • Daniel lewis

    React Native Developer

    • Volunteered at a startup to assist as a Junior React Native Developer, contributing to team collaboration, and learning Git and GitHub workflows.

Tech Stack

  • python
  • javascript
  • cpp